SRPGA Bylaws

Article I: Membership

1. Project Employee Recreation Association (PERA) Club eligibility for participation in the SRPGA:

  1. To participate in the SRPGA, an individual must be a PERA Club member or have PERA Club privileges approved in accordance with the Articles and Bylaws of the Salt River Project Employees' Recreational Association, Incorporated, as well as meet any specific criteria set forth by the SRPGA as provided for in the SRPGA Constitution and Bylaws.
  2. Criteria for PERA Club Membership:

    To be eligible for a PERA Club membership, an individual must qualify as one of the following:

b.l     Be an SRP employee on SRP payroll.

b.2    Be an SRP Board or Council Member.

b.3    Be an officially retired SRP employee.

b.4    Have PERA privileges approved by the PERA Club Board.

  1. Criteria for Privileges through a PERA Club Member:

    The immediate family members of the PERA Club member (member as defined in Article I, Section 1.d) are eligible to participate as regular voting members in the SRPGA. The SRPGA is responsible for verifying the membership status of a PERA member or his/her immediate family with the PERA Club office.
  2. Definition of Immediate Family Member:

    The immediate family of a PERA Club member will mean his or her spouse and unmarried children residing (eating, sleeping, living) within the same residence of the PERA Club member.
  3. Criteria for Social Membership:

    Parents, sisters, brothers, grandchildren and other relatives, as well as persons unrelated to the PERA Club member, are eligible for social membership status in the SRPGA. Social members are allowed if the sponsoring PERA Club member is active and remains active in the SRPGA. Social members will have an SRPGA status of "social" and not as "regular" members. Social membership cannot exceed a ratio of 25% of the SRPGA membership roll.
  4. Criteria for Guest Participation:

    The SRPGA defines a guest as any participant who is not a regular or social member. The SRPGA may allow guest participation in regular monthly tournaments as provided for in any given event under the guidelines of SRPGA Policy #3. With the exception of the Spring and Fall special tournaments, guests may not displace participation of any regular or social member.
  5. SRPGA Membership Definitions:

    Regular Member - Eligibility for membership is defined herein. The SRPGA defines a "regular" member as a PERA Club member who has joined the SRPGA and whose SRPGA membership dues are current. Regular members will enjoy all privileges of the SRPGA, as well as the right to run for office and vote on all SRPGA activities as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws.

    Social Member - Those eligible are as defined herein. The SRPGA defines a "social" member as a non-PERA Club member whose SRPGA membership is sponsored by a regular member of the SRPGA. Social members will enjoy all privileges of the SRPGA, including the right to serve on the Board of Directors and vote on all SRPGA activities, as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. No more than 25% of the sitting Board can be social members, and a social board member may not serve as an officer.

    Senior Member - Those eligible are as defined herein. The SRPGA defines a "senior" member as a regular member who has reached the age of 62 prior to January 1 of the current year. Social members cannot be senior members.

2. The minimum age for membership or participation in the activities of the SRPGA will be 14 years of age. This requirement can be waived on an individual basis by special review and vote of the SRPGA Board of Directors.

3. Membership dues are non-refundable.

4. Membership in the SRPGA is non-transferable.

If you have questions, contact Wes Knuth, SRPGA Secretary.


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Send questions or comments to:
Tom Barnett
Last updated: October 28, 2015.